Outdoors and Nature
Yoga Practice in the Natural EnvironmentOutdoors and Nature
These foundational courses focus on Yoga and connecting with our natural environment. In classical yoga, practitioners always practiced away from cities and the hustle and bustle that goes with city life. Yoga ashrams have traditionally been located in rural or country settings where the peaceful vibrations of the natural environment soothes and uplifts the mind.
Throughout the year we will be offering different programs that focus on spending time in natural environment for our yoga practice. We offer Yoga and Gardening, Yoga and Hiking, Pranayama and the Yuba River, and much more.
Yoga Courses in Outdoors and Nature

Yoga and Gardening
Join us for a weekend of hands-on gardening. Get your hands in the dirt and connect with nature on 80 acres of land with orchards, lavender fields, garden, and beautiful rolling hills of blue oak woodland.
Yoga and Permaculture
Permaculture is a way to design communities, buildings, gardens
Permaculture guides us to live and design systems in a way that regenerate, rather than destroy, nature and our connection with each other.
We offer free Permaculture Service Days once a month, where guests have the opportunity to get their hands in the dirt and participate in a Yoga Class and Satsang.
We also offer a Permaculture Design Certification course as well as multiple other Yoga and Permaculture programs.
Yoga and Hiking

Join us for a weekend of hiking in the beautiful foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains while learning yoga techniques for relaxation. Recharge yourself through proper breathing, yoga asanas, meditation, chanting and immersion in nature.
We also offer free guided hikes, nature awareness and plant identification walks regularly.

Pranayama and the Yuba River
The Yuba River is a pristine river that is about a 30-minute drive from the ashram. During this weekend we will go to the South Yuba state park and soak up the prana from being near the river. We will practice paranayama, meditation, chanting, and some asanas by the side of the river. And of course go swimming as well.
Swami Sitaramananda says that the peaceful vibrations of being near the Yuba River reminds her of the Ganges in India where yoga originally comes from.
Yoga and Nature Awareness Retreat
Join us for this five day retreat as we unplug and reconnect with the environment. Experience the joy and peace of being in nature while learning effective techniques to relax and relieve stress.
Practice Yoga, chanting, and meditation outside. Enjoy the combined therapeutic effects gardening, hiking, forest bathing, sit spots, pranayama (breathing techniques) and more.

Company of spiritual persons and good environments play a tremendous part in the elevation of the mind.
– Swami Sivananda
Upcoming Retreats
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Upcoming Day Programs
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Check out our Permaculture Blog
The Sivananda Yoga Farm Permaculture Blog has more information, updates, interviews, transcripts, videos, and articles.
Get Involved
We are seeking dedicated volunteers who are interested in yoga and who have practical skills in permaculture, gardening
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please read the full Karma Yoga or Seva Study page before filling out the application.